匯出 Google日曆的資料到 Excel 表中

Post date: 2010/2/2 上午 11:40:07

你是否已經習慣使用Google Calendar管理你的行程,或是檢查排程? 每到了月底或是年終,若是要計算當月或是該年的工作時數,這時又恨不得將 Google Calendar 的資料記載在 Excel 表中。現在有了 新工具 (老工具),可以讓你使用 Google Calendar 拖拉建立事件的便利,又可以將Calendar 的內容下載到 Excel 表中做時數統計!

You want to get a MS Excel file from Google Calendar? Provide start date and end date, ..and you will get an Excel File containing all your events within the duration and also the total hours spent. BTW, jdk 1.5 is necessary.

If you put your work hours in Google Calendar then this app may become handy for you, you may want to know total hours worked in a week? You may like to get an excel sheet containing all the working hours with their labels? Then go download it and feel free to modify, extend and distribute to all the people out there who need it like me.. ;)



Now you can convert your google calendar entries to excel directly from the web! Try it from here http://gcal2excel.syamantics.com/. No installation, no hassle! It converts description and location data as well.

Featured downloads:gcal2excel.zip

經過測試,不管是free的Google Calendar account或是Google App account都適用喔!

關鍵字: google calendar, google spreadsheet, google app.